White Papers
& Resources

Fact Sheets

Photo of a woman talking to a male teenager.
Opioid Fact Sheet

U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services, National Institute on Drug Abuse


Illustration of a cartoon brain meditating and surrounded by candles, flowers, and medicine bottles.
10 Alternatives to Opioids for Pain Management Infographic

Before you fill a prescription for an opioid painkiller, make sure you know all of the alternative treatments available to you.

Cropped illustration of infographic with text and images of a cross and pill bottle.
Overdose Awareness Day Infographic

Understand the prevalence of overdose deaths, as well as signs to watch for and preventitive measures you can take.


For more information and resources about addiction prevention, the opioid epidemic, and child safety, please visit the following:

Pathway to Prevention makes it easy for parents to obtain accurate, evidence-based information about teen drug and alcohol use and abuse from the privacy of their own homes via our Facebook Page and website.

Are all the medications in your home stored properly: out of your children’s reach? Don’t put your little one’s at risk of accidental poisoning. Learn more on how to keep them safe at UpAndAway.org.

Find instructions to reset your Safer Lock.