Home & Family
Every prescription bottle in your home is a potential risk to your family. From accidental medication poisoning to curious teen experimentation, securing your prescription medications can protect your kids from harm.
Every Minute
Poison Control Centers receive a call about an accidental medication poisoning every minute.
Prescription Opioids
are the leading cause of accidental medication poisoning deaths in children in the US.
14% of Students
14% of Students
admit to misusing opioids in the past year
(sneaking pills from people with prescriptions) is the leading source of opioids for teens
Get the facts about prescription dangers so you can take action to protect your kids. Learn more about the opioid crisis and medication poisoning that can impact your home and family.

RxGuardian’s Safer Lock products protect your family against medication misuse and accidents. Our patented combination Safer Lock can be used to protect a single prescription bottle, or you can secure multiple medications inside our combination Safer Lock Box. With over 10,000 possible combinations and a tamper-evident cap, Safer Lock products make it harder for teens to pilfer meds and for young children to accidentally get their hands on dangerous prescription medications.
Now that my medications are locked inside the Safer Lock Box, I have peace of mind knowing that my kid can’t accidentally open a bottle of painkillers.
- Customer